
This world is beauty…
But broken.
By broken hearts and broken minds,
By our fixation on hopes
And dreams,
And expired time.

We live,
Capable of feeling
But existing without.
Capable of love and trust,
While weighed down by hearts of doubt.

Beneath blue skies and on bounties of green,
But our eyes turned downwards,
Fixated on screens.
A world full of beauty,
Of which we are undeserving,

Our Hell on Earth,
Where hearts are hurting.

cautious steps.

There is truth to come,
From the redemption which you seek.
Sights sought by blind men,
Yet blinding to those weak.
There is a future,
Sewn deep within the questions on your mind.
Though the answers,
For the strong are alone to find.
Walk out into the dawn with faith,
Hope beside you, your guidance.
There are Wars shared amongst us,
No weapons, just the words locked inside us.
An adventure stands before you,
Child of wonder,
And a calm sea in your heart,
Thirsty for thunder.
Soon approaches your day of glory,
It sits close to which you desire,
But wary, your approach when faced with friend or foe,
For we may miss the signs,
Of who was, or will become the liar.

away, in the grey.

Are you meant to find it difficult telling the people you love that you think your life isn’t worth living,

Because most of my days are dark, regardless of the sun,

And everyday another mission to explain my minds struggles and wishing,

That I could grip a gun,

Hold it against my skull and enjoy the last breath before its over.


The glass shaped silhouettes on the shelf are better friends,

My real ones speak back and tell me why I should live,

They make me smile and pretend,

These make living a little easier with every sip,

The beginning feeling like a means to an end,

Before beckoning another,

I’d let a blade make art of my neck if it wasn’t for my Mother,

I love her.


This pain…

Worse than heartbreak because love only weighs down hard on your chest,

Pains of the mind leave me dreaming that a tight rope would burn through the soft skin of my neck,

I’ve spent nights exploring scars and wondering what to decorate next,

Starting from the edges until the first strokes meet and connect to the rest.


Four bottles on a Friday,

Trying to see how many would keep me asleep beyond next week,

How many would it take for it to end and let them say that he was weak,

How many could I take before I beat my last streak?

Sink deeper with each,

Hold your breath and hope that you start drowning,

I hold one in my left hand, and the one in my right I’m downing.


Saturday hungover,

Family day plans and struggling to be sober,

Looking for sensation –

Hoping I’m still dreaming and the nightmare of life is finally over,

Pillowcase tear soaked,

Because my mind bares too much weight to let them fall on my shoulder.


Blue light keeps me locked in a world seeded in our palms

But far from reality,

Desensitised to my own pain through exposure the worlds harms,

Everyday a quarter spent shovelling through shit that is digital –

Doing the same shit, living the same day,

Chasing something new but only ever finding a deeper meaning of insanity.


I’m sorry,

To anyone that loves me I know these are words you wished you’d never hear,

Once I thought the same, but now I’m trapped in this friendship with my fears,

But I’m not scared –

I only hope that you would smile if I chose to go,

I hope every star shines brighter

As I accept the silence of below.


If you can find truth in what I say,

Then who am I to admit that I lied,

Why disturb your peace, or deliver hurt

If you could keep the look inside your eyes?

A selfish energy nurtured

Now, too late to change,

I keep my secrets (forever and always)

Within your heart, reserve my space.

Within myself, I hear

And so see

Every fault I own

And every fault, I let own me.

I play my hand, full of guilt,

Shuffling through the pain

That you would own, should you know

In a world where hearts are pure.

You Want the Sky, I Can Only Give You the Clouds.

Ambitions, Anchors –
Or do we gravitate toward them,
With the guidance of hope?
Or hope,
A false ambition, Blind to faith –
Holding hearts in suspense.

You see life with grand perspective,
A world mirrored only by dreams,
One where our perfections do not make us,
For we are perfect –
Where human nature makes no error.

Your world is a world of gold,
Not in worth, But fulfilment,
A world made not with a single vision,
But together shared.

Your ambitions lay dormant,
In the faith your bestow on me –
Here you will find me running,
Towards a finish marked by the start –
A circle with no end,
Only a meeting of yesterdays and tomorrows.

Though I see the flaws in your world,
I hesitate not to share in your dream,
Yet it is that –
A dream…

With my mind I may pluck the stars from the sky,
Negotiate the terms with which we rule,
And with words, Upon your head lay a crown –
You smile at my fictions,
With warmth declare your love,
Though I may only bring clouds,
Where you heart desires the sky.

see as I.

How can I break down scripture to the illiterate,
Make a blind man seek the sound that separates and makes every voice different? –

How can ink break the barriers of culture with translated pages,
Make a man work his way, but not a slave, if I am withholding his yearly wages? –

How do I make you see when you are blinded by sight, a mind saturated,
Make you doubt moments in history when once a year they are celebrated? –

Understand that my perception is not yours,
But opening our minds and eye to each other is a step towards the sky,
Man was planted on earth with no wings,
But with knowledge communicated we may teach and learn to fly.

king of hearts.

Various versions of a conspiracy,
Each different in their intricacy,
But all born from my mind,
And so you are plagued with our intimacy –
Come too close and you’ll know the extent of the measures used to keep you locked in proximity,
My hearts desires achieved at the expense of another’s energy.

These motivations may be fictions crafted by those hurt by the contempt of their own emotions,
Or these crafts are of my own conception and this world remains only within my head,
With their hearts trapped beside me.

Manipulation, in their words,
“Calculated, you are in your movements,
Yet hold no contingency for when we see through your eyes” –
It would serve naive to think all sights have been set upon when considering where to direct my actions.

Education in the ways of communication opened the path to redemption,
Seeing where I went wrong and where rights were to be made with further steps,
And yet I stand here with my back turned to the sun,
Beckoning you to join me as the light shines past my intentions –
Illuminating your way.


Magic makes short time of the ambitions made in the minds of man,
Small in scale on the worlds stage,
It’s weight heavy on their shoulders, slowly shifting before all falls –
Magic makes fool chase the lure of gold in hopes of quick dreams,
Shortened pace in the race to discover the fruits of labour,
Yet no labour is worth the sweat that falls from the sky,
When magic turns the tides.

as one.

We must love from top to bottom,
Thorough and in full.
Every inch of skin,
Within the soul and throughout the mind.

We must love as one,
In unity.
Together a bond bound with strength,
With each touch grows a network that runs between us.

From problems we calculate and craft solutions,
Disagreements discussed and forward movements made.
Towards new avenues,
Paths on which we walk together yet independent,
Finding our own light yet sharing its guidance,
Illuminating all doubt.

We try as we must,
To love in completion,
To see pictures whole –
Yet each detail seen across the surface.
Our hearts, to each other known.
Imperfections nurtured with patience piece together a puzzle,
Variable in every dimension,
In time becoming one.